Associate Kevin Trainer has written an article for the Philadelphia Bar Association's magazine, The Philadelphia Lawyer, exploring the legacy of the late and great Judge Higginbotham. Kevin became interested in Judge Higginbotham during his clerkships with the...
LGD Victory: Federal Court Grants Class Certification in RICO Case Seeking Relief for Student Borrowers
Turrey v. Vervent (formerly Aliff v. Vervent), No. 20cv00697 (S.D. Cal.) was brought on behalf of student borrowers who paid more than $80 million dollars on private student loans related to attendance at ITT. Plaintiffs allege that the entire “PEAKS” loan program (an...
David Nagdeman Joins Langer Grogan & Diver P.C.
Langer, Grogan & Diver is pleased to announce that David Nagdeman has rejoined the boutique litigation firm as an associate. David Nagdeman has spent the prior year clerking for the Hon. Gerald A. McHugh in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania after...